Monday, December 7, 2009

Urban Abstract

Art Director Jopsu Ramu from Musuta Ltd. (a multidisciplinary design agency based in Helsinki & Tokyo) has created together with Shun Kawakami (artless Inc) an artist and designer from Tokyo - a piece titled Urban Abstract. This digital art piece is being shown as the November break bumpers on one of the biggest commercial TV channels in Finland: TV Nelonen.

Urban Abstract -piece was born in Tokyo during 2009. It consists of 40 X five second clips or it can be viewed as a one 200 second journey.

Urban Abstract is a first piece created in collaboration with Ramu and Kawakami. The artists have plans for new pieces and are currently looking for interesting projects to work on and to continue this Helsinki - Tokyo collaboration.

The website works as a part of the piece and creates an extra dimension for the clips shown on TV.

URBAN ABSTRACT - About the concept:

Urban Abstract is a journey across urban space that unfolds in forty, 5 second parts. The journey, in one, two and three dimensions, is a bit like abstract surfing in which the original destination is only reached after a number of seemingly random yet linked detours occur. Points , lines, planes and other abstract elements create a journey through an Urban Abstract.

The space between things is as important as intended space, perhaps creating a fourth dimension. Meaningful shapes and purposes occur in this dimension's reality as well. The concept of negative space has meaning here.

Nature plays a part as well. To be able to understand and differentiate what is urban one has understand what is nature.

The style of the shorts is fluid and, though seemingly random, stream into a cohesive whole. Perhaps watching them in a different order would be more like seeing the same journey from another point of view. The sound world is also very important -- movement in space is sensed even if watching the shorts with eyes closed. Sounds overlap, fade, come and go.

Architectural, abstract, someway minimalist and abstract with a touch of humanity.

This feeling is reached through mixing techniques such as vectors , hand drawn lines and painting.

Urban Abstract was realized in Tokyo by a team of artists, designers and animators from Finland and Japan. Urban Abstract was created by Jopsu Ramu from Musuta Ltd, a concept, art & design -studio based in Tokyo and Helsinki.

About the creators:

Jopsu Ramu (born 1982). She is a young Finnish designer and an art director who runs her own business Musuta Ltd. Ramu creates art, graphic design, space & design.

Musuta Ltd.

Musuta Ltd. is a Finnish company operating in Helsinki & Tokyo. Musuta is a multidisciplinary design studio that makes art, space, design, graphics, concepts & branding.

Musuta produces Ramu's personal art work as well as creates commercial work for different clients including: Iittala, Hartwall, Pepsi Co., Kawada Group, TV Nelonen etc.


Shun Kawakami (artless Inc.)

Shun Kawakami is a highly awarded designer & artist living in Tokyo. He is also the founder and chief of Artless Inc. He has won awards in many design competition from Type Director's club (TDC) to Art Director's Club (ADC) and so on.. He has also held many exhibitions in Japan, Europe and the U.S.


TV Nelonen

Channel Four Finland – Nelonen Nationwide commercial tv-channel Offers second-highest reach and is the third-largest advertising medium in Finland

If you embed or publish the Urban Abstract -video on blogs etc. please keep in mind to mention and credit the creators. The video should not be altered or edited in any way without permission from the creators.


Creative Director Jopsu Ramu MUSUTA

Art Director Jopsu Ramu MUSUTA, Shun Kawakami artless Inc.

Design&Storyboard Jopsu Ramu MUSUTA

Opening scene artwork Shun Kawakami artless Inc.

Calligraphy Gen Miyamura

Sound Chikao Maruyama

Producer Timo Huhtala MUSUTA

Director Mitsutomo Maeda & Masaru Ikeda EDP graphic works

Animation&Production EDP graphic works

Project management Tokyo Masaji Kinoshita / shirofuchi Inc.

Executive Producer MUSUTA Ltd.

Special thanks Taisuke Koyama, Brian Kaszonyi

Created by MUSUTA Ltd. - Jopsu Ramu & Timo Huhtala

DVDRom Naphtaline Trailer

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mind Agency new logo

Saturday, November 14, 2009

OPENING M!ND online now


Generare business. Questa la mission con cui la web agency Mind, sin dal 1996 contribuisce alla crescita dei propri clienti attraverso la realizzazione e lo sviluppo di siti e di ogni strumento messo a disposizione dal web per la comunicazione online.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


A film by Emilia Forstreuter

emilia [at] forstreuter [dot] de

Sound Design by Sam Spreckley

spreckley2 [at] hotmail [dot] com

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Come si vede la musica

let yourself feel. from Esteban Diácono on Vimeo.

Artist: Ólafur Arnalds
Song: Ljósið
Album: Found Songs
Director: Esteban Diácono

Il video è stato realizzato in After Effects con Trapcode Particular v2.e Trapcode SoundKeys

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Word Builder

A strange man builds a world using holographic tools for the woman he loves.

This award winning short was created by filmmaker Bruce Branit, widely known as the co-creator of '405'. World Builder was shot in a single day followed by about 2 years of post production. Branit is the owner of Branit VFX based in Kansas City.

More info, background and info on future releases can be at Become a fan and keep in touch.


Passaggi visuali come protagonisti per il nuovo sito della band

Buongiorno :)

8.00 del mattino al bar sotto casa affannati versando lo zucchero nel latte con in testa un dilemma su come risolvere un layout ostile ma ancora più urgente cosa dire alla riunione delle 11 davanti all'immagine disarmante di una folla di tecnici agguerriti e a corto di tempo cos'altro se non il bisogno di una dose di caffeina e perchè no magari anche un logo, ogni tanto potrebbe farci sorridere.


Joint project with an artist Igor Skaletsky and a drummer Evgeniy Labich. Stop motion animation is based on photos representing every stage of making collage. Parts of the drummer’s live performance are arranged and mixed in one track.

Temperley London Circus Zoetrope by LEGS plus

More info on its creation is here

We created a 12-foot-tall zoetrope to showcase Temperley London’s Spring 2010 collection.
It was unveiled at New York Fashion Week and is now in London for London Fashion week.



The Bronson Maneuver - An Octocore Short

Our entry for CGChallenge XXIV - Secret Agent.

Thanks for watching! If you like the film, you might enjoy the trailer too:

Ryan Sluman - Puppet & Animation -

Joon Kim - Concepts & Storyboards -

Danny Dahlquist - Cleanup, SFX & Original Music -

Mike McCain - Environments & Effects -

One Minute Soundsculpture from Daniel Franke on Vimeo.


È inutile dire che sempre difficile è stato lo scrivere un testo finto che sia veramente diverso dal solito "lorem ipsum", e che non si dilunghi in inutili speculazioni che non hanno un senso nè per un designer affannato che cerca il più in fretta possibile una buona dose di parole certo temporanee ma anche con un minimo di estetico significato nè per un cliente indaffarato che non ha tempo nè voglia di leggere inutili sciocchezze sparpagliate su un layout che con tutta probabilità non è rispondente ai criteri stabiliti da lui medesimo o se vogliamo dal reparto comunicazione, o ancora dal marketing della sua azienda.
Ma come è possibile leggere un testo dal quale per il 90% non ci si aspetta niente e poter cambiare idea, magari pensando che quel testo finto in quel caso possa essere anche un po' utile per chi lo fruisce, sebbene lo si legga in meno di 10 minuti tra una riunione e l'altra? Potrebbe forse essere la risposta a un bisogno dei più scontati (è pur vero che un finto testo è un testo banale e ha quindi banali propositi). UNA PAUSA fra un impegno e l'altro, quei 10 minuti rubati che nessuno si sognerebbe mai di pianificare, ma che ognuno di noi ha vissuto almeno per una volta, inaspettatamente. E tutto d'un fiato.
Questo è un nuovo paragrafo di transizione tra una decisione e l'altra: magari avvicinandosi a leggere qualche riga di questo breve testo, per poi allontanarsi di nuovo, potrebbe succedere la coincidenza di cambiare punto di vista: e riguardando per intero questo layout che prima ci era sembrato, beh, questo è opinione personale, adesso ci appare invece in un modo diverso; ci siamo accorti di cose che prima non avevamo considerato, e questo con un semplice movimento di avvicinamento e allontanamento. Conoscevo un'art director che mentre produceva un layout si lanciava con la sedia a dieci metri dal monitor, e poi lo osservava attentamente con gli occhi socchiusi e la testa piegata da un lato...
In definitiva non è tanto importante cosa ci sia scritto in questo testo finto, quanto che sia abbastanza adatto ad essere scorso per un momento, muovendo l'attenzione di chi legge per fare in modo di vedere poi meglio tutto il resto, quello che realmente si vuole mostrare.

Non basta?
Ecco alcuni link a finti testi:

font: NEO DECO by Alex Trochut

NEO DECO FONT #HFT001 IDENT (Alex Trochut) from HypeForType on Vimeo.

HypeForType Ident:#HFT001
Motion Design: Byron Abdy
Audio: Niklas Froese
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Typeface: Neo Deco (Alex Trochut)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nokia E71 launch / 6 Billion People, 6 Billion Colours

Nokia E71 launch / 6 Billion People, 6 Billion Colours from Universal Everything on Vimeo.

Monday, May 25, 2009

OFFF 2009 Sponsor Titles

OFFF 2009 Sponsor Titles from OFFF on Vimeo.

Onesize premiered their astonishing titles for the festival sponsors. And they were huge! An extremely inspired eight minutes piece where art and branding converges in the most wise way possible. The work mixes video and 3D under a retro aesthetics where everything fits just perfectly. We love it! Thanks, Onesize: you made us happy!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The windmill

In questo corto di Giso Spijkerman un bizzarro Don Chisciotte si cimenta nella breakdance contro un mulino a vento: un'attuale metafora del mondo giovane vs le istituzioni...

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Il corto è di Ubik ed è stato realizzato per l'inaugurazione del festival F5 - NYC 16-17 Aprile 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Portfolio /

Nuove meravigliose illustrazioni per il portfolio online dello svedese Niklas Lundberg.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Moray McLaren - We Got Time from David Wilson Creative on Vimeo.

Trottole e dischi dagli effetti caleidoscopici: un interessante video musicale ottenuto con una tecnica simile allo zootropio; qui il making of...

Director and Animator : David Wilson

Production Company : Blinkink

Director of Photography : Tim Green
RED Camera Operator : Nick Allsop and Jeff Brown
Post Production – The Mill

Le baloon

Una poetica animazione realizzata per il lancio del nuovo canale televisivo Tiji di Lagardère Active.
Advertising Agency: DDB, Paris, France
Creative Directors: Alexandre Hervé, Sylvain Thirache
Copywriter: Matthieu Elkaim
Artistic Director: Pierrette Diaz
TV Prod: Sophie Mégrous, Forence Potthié Sperry
Advertiser’s Supervisors: Thomas Granger, Romain Lorthiois
AccountSupervisor: Emmanuelle Michel Mimran
Production: Wanda
Realisateur: Yoann Lemoine
Illustrator: Pierrette Diaz


Crush "Inspire"


Co-directors: Chris Rolf & Gavenesh Patel
Design and animation: Chris Rolf & Gavenesh Patel
Sound design and DOP: Adam Palmer
Production Company: Crush
Producer: Kristen Van Fleet
Executive Producer: Jo-ann Cook

This film was created as part of the F5 RE:PLAY Film Festival:

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Kinetic Typography - Live Out Loud!!!

Se qualcuno si domandasse perchè sono qui...
Animation typography by Johnny Lee

Yulia Brodskaya

Innovative and stunning paper-cut illustrations of Yulia Brodskaya, graphic designer and illustrator from Russia.

(via chrisglass)

Insostenibile leggerezza

LD by gkaster
A tribute to Tron, Akira and Blade runner


"Handmade is a surrealistic short film that makes use of metaphors and unusual symbol to explain what one feels when is in love. Directed by Denis Kamioka aka Cisma, a brazilian animation director based in Barcelona and São Paulo"

handmade by david kamioka aka cisma from adriana on Vimeo.

Disconnect to reconnect wallpaper

In Bb 2.0z

In Bb 2.0 è un progetto musicale creato da Darren Solomon: semplicemente meraviglioso...


Radio Sport: Who said men can't multi-task?